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Group photo (Summer 2024). From left: Earle Wilson, Zack Kaufman, Yuchen Li, Lemona Niu, Niall Coffey, Lexi Arlen, Allie Skalnik, and JeongHyun Kim
Current Group Members

Lexi Arlen
PhD student in Earth System Science
I joined the Wilson Lab as a PhD student in 2022. Using discrete element modeling and remote sensing observations, I research sea ice dynamics in the seasonal ice zone focusing on fracture processes and floe-scale dynamics. I also did fieldwork in the Chukchi Sea where I observed wave propagation in the ice pack. When not working, you can find me exploring outside on foot, skis, or a bike!

JeongHyun Kim
PhD student in Earth System Science

Chloe Yu-Ning Cheng
Undergraduate researcher